The Manga That Made Prophecies
Michel de Nostredame or better known as Nostradamus was a French astrologer that published a book titled Les Prophéties (The Prophecies) that came to predict future events decades after his death in a poetic fashion. In the year 1999 – many years after Nostradamus’ death – a manga was published by an unknown author going by the pseudonym Tatsuki Ryo and her manga, as expected, did not make an impression on the populous at that time. Little is known about her other five works and what she is currently doing, but many have assumed that she has retired from the industry entirely. Her first manga was published in 1975. A dream diary notebook was kept by her from 1980 onward when she claims to have had premonitory dreams on several occasions. Most of her works focused on the Shoujo genre which was plentiful at that time and the market for that was oversaturated. Hence, this manga going unnoticed was expected. The manga titled The Future as I see it is said to be based upon her u...